P.I. Expansión-Puerto Neveros, 4-6 - Ctra. S.M. de Valdeiglesias, Km 4.9
28935 MÓSTOLES Madrid
AV ALUMITRAN is the result of the merger of the industrial divisions of the Ayuso Group and the Alugom Group, which until now carried out their activities through the companies Alumitran, S.A., Anodizados Ayuso, S.L. AV Coteval, S.A. and Lacado y Anodizado del Aluminio, S.L. (Lanoal), all of which have an impeccable reputation in the sector. After the integration of these companies in AV ALUMITRAN, it will bring together under a single company name, among others, the activities of extrusion, coating, anodising, wood decoration, machining, and thermal bridge break.